Does customizing an AP watch to a bust down AP increase its value?

When it comes to luxury timepieces, Audemars Piguet stands as one of the industry's heavyweights. Their watches are recognized and sought after for their quality, design, and the brand's storied history. However, in certain circles, a standard Audemars Piguet isn't enough. Instead, they desire a 'bust down AP,' a watch that's been heavily customized with precious gemstones. But does this modification actually increase the value of an AP watch? Let's explore.

Understanding Value in the Context of Watches

Before we dive into the specifics, it's crucial to understand that 'value' can be subjective and multifaceted. When we speak of a watch's value, we could be referring to its monetary worth, its collectability, or even its sentimental value. These can be influenced by a variety of factors, including the watch's condition, rarity, brand, history, and in the case of a bust down AP, the quality of customization.

Monetary Value

From a strictly monetary perspective, customizing an AP watch into a bust down AP can increase its retail price. This is largely due to the cost of the added gemstones and the labor involved in the customization process. A bust down AP watch, dripping in diamonds, is undeniably more expensive than its original, unadorned counterpart.

Collectability and Resale Value

However, when it comes to collectability or resale value, the story changes. Watch collectors and enthusiasts often value originality and authenticity. They appreciate the craftsmanship and design of the watch as it was initially conceived by the manufacturer. In this context, a customized or 'busted down' AP might not hold its value as well as an original, unmodified AP watch. Modifications, especially extensive ones like busting down, can potentially compromise the watch's original design and craftsmanship, which are key factors in determining its collectability and resale value.

Subjective Value

There's also the question of subjective or personal value. For some, a bust down AP might hold immense appeal due to its uniqueness, its statement-making potential, and the sheer extravagance it represents. For these individuals, the bust down AP may hold higher value than a standard Audemars Piguet watch, regardless of its market value or collectability.


In conclusion, the question of whether customizing an AP watch into a bust down AP increases its value is complex and depends on the context. While it can increase the watch's retail price, it may not necessarily enhance its resale value or appeal to traditional collectors. However, for those drawn to the dazzle of diamonds and the statement a bust down AP makes, the value could be immeasurable.

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